Before starting the next part of the course, take a moment to check-in with yourself and reflect on your current anxiety level. Are you feeling calm, anxious, or somewhere in between? Take a few deep breaths and when you’re ready, let’s start part-two of the course.
Stress and anxiety are both emotional responses which display similar symptoms; triggering our “fight, flight, or freeze” response. But while we often know what is stressing us out, anxiety isn’t always as easy to understand, and can can cause persistent and excessive worries.
In this lesson, we will learn about the common causes and (less obvious) signs of anxiety so that you can recognise and manage them better.
In this video Psychologist Paul Hessels explains what the symptoms of anxiety are:
💡 As Paul explains in the above video, anxiety is caused by our interpretation of a situation, not necessarily by the situation itself. Think back to a time when you interpreted a situation as stressful, but when it happened, everything was fine. What can you learn from this experience?
✍️ Think about the last time you experienced anxiety. What symptoms did you encounter? What do you think your body was trying to tell you? Jot down some thoughts on paper to really explore your feelings and get closer to the root of this anxiety.
It’s important to remember that everyone’s experience of anxiety is unique and that different people may experience different symptoms.
Recognising the signs of anxiety can be helpful in managing it. To practise becoming aware of your body’s physical sensations, let’s practise the following body scan: